Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear friends, students and readers,

Merry Christmas! Did you feel the shift from the lunar eclipse on the 21st with its full moon in Gemini? It was a positive one for me and for many people I talked to. I had every reason to celebrate that day because I had a knock on the door announcing the Humane Society had found our family dog, “Cuz Cuz “who was missing for a few days. Animals bring their gifts, joys and worries. The synchronicity surrounding the “lost dog event” is that the animal control officer’s name was “Daniel”, the prophet and interpreter of dreams from the bible.

With the New Year approaching our minds turn towards the future and it is a perfect time now to get a spiritual/psychic reading to hone in on what you would like to see come to fruition for 2011 and what fate is drawing into your life. As always, I am available for phone consults--healings and readings--on any pressing issue in your life, even how to get focused enough to write that book you keep putting on the back burner. I plan to have another book out in 2011. It is a big secret. To set up a consult/reading you can contact me at (707) 642-0426 or at:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Ariadne Green


Ariadne’s Newsletter December 2010

When Angels Walk On Earth

Have you ever been touched by an angel? I am not talking about a divine apparition descended from heaven or a being of light visiting you in a dream, but a real live breathing wingless angel on earth that you meet by extraordinary happenstance.

When A Little Anger is Good

We all hear a lot about letting go of anger, curbing our temper, and learning anger management techniques. On the spiritual path, sages and gurus remind us that everyone and everything is to be forgiven and that peace and tranquility is what we all need to strive for. Anger is deemed counterproductive, useless or even destructive to our spiritual well-being and happiness. It is considered a "negative emotion" that we should reject in others and deny in ourselves. With such advice, it is no wonder that most of us shrink with guilt after our feathers get ruffled and we speak out in anger at someone we love. But is a little bit of anger all that bad?

Psychic Dreams
There are three types of psychic dreams that are common to you clairvoyants: precognitive, telepathic, and clairvoyant dreams. Once we are awake, these dreams baffle us because we define ourselves as separate from others and see events through constructs of space and time. Learn how to determine what kind of psychic dream you are dreaming most often.

Dreams of a New Lover?
For some singles almost every waking minute is consumed with thoughts of romance. The perfect man or woman on your arm, someone to cuddle up to, plan a future with and chart a course towards happily-ever-after is the subject of the daydream imagination. For others the subject rarely crosses their mind except at night when dreams of romance creep in.
What are romantic dreams all about? Are they a forecast for a real romance on the horizon or is it just the subconscious teasing you with a dreamy possibility of a romantic interlude?

Hope Christmas Day brings you the ultimate gift! What that is is of your making.

God bless you,

Ariadne Green

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Christopher Nolan's Inception and Your Dreams

As a dream expert, I was interested in seeing Christopher Nolan’s, Inception. Not only because the topic was about the levels of the dreaming mind, but also because my namesake Ariadne was a central character. I even wondered if Christopher Nolan read my book, Ariadne’s Book of Dreams or had run across my website 9 years ago when he first began writing this brain twisting script. Did you Christopher?

If not, then Nolan was certainly inspired by the Cretan goddess Ariadne, the central character of a 3000-year-old Hellenistic myth about the labyrinth on Knossos and a journey taken by a Cobb-like character named Theseus. Like Cobb, who Ariadne, the Architect, helps to resolve his guilt and grief surrounding his wife’s death, Theseus with the magical thread of Ariadne is victorious in confronting a collective demon, the Minotaur. In the movie, Ariadne saved the day for Cobb creating the way out of limbo and helping him to clear his conscience. As an archetype of wisdom, Ariadne guides us all through the labyrinth of our dreams to illuminate what we keep hidden inside.

What can we learn about dreams and the dreaming mind from Inception? Well, dreams aren’t necessarily as violent or unpredictable as the movie suggests. But it’s true that dreams do help us bring to light deep conflicts housed with the labyrinth of the mind and soul.

Dreams reveal the inception of an idea. The notion set forth in Nolan’s film, that an idea can be implanted and can go viral in the subconscious, is true. But more than an idea, the virus is an emotionally charged energy that creates conflict for the subconscious. The inception of the idea may have begun generations before living in the subconscious throughout all time. In this case, it is a collective idea, such as the ingrained belief that women have less value than men. But most of the insidious ideas we hold take root early in childhood when the psyche is most impressionable. Dreams excavate these repressed emotions and attitudes and convey them through a metaphoric language that reveals the nature of the idea.

Can someone else invade your consciousness and implant an idea? Yes, but most of the time they do it unconsciously, wandering into your consciousness while you are in the dreamstate. We collaborate with many souls at night, sometimes to telepathically connect and often to give and receive healing. When we are burdened by someone else’s emotional baggage we may become so infused with their negative emotions that we try to resolve their issues as if they were our own. Then in a dream, the dreamer is dreaming the unconscious life of someone else—a confusing predicament that happens most often with couples.

Is lucid dreaming dangerous? In Inception, Cobb’s wife got so caught up in the world of dreams that she thought her reality was a dream, a fantasy that tragically ended her life. Lucid dreaming is not necessarily dangerous, but it can be counter productive.

Lucid dreaming is when the conscious mind awakens within a dream, realizes it is dreaming and uses the opportunity to redirect the dream in some way. The problem with the conscious mind interjecting its ideas on the subconscious is that it may wish to evade or escape what the subconscious needs to express, therefore missing the opportunity presented by the subconscious for true resolution. A creative intelligence far superior to the conscious mind resides in the subconscious, one that can create a final resolution to a problem that haunts it. The subconscious naturally tries to reconcile its conflicts and can do so without interference.

How many dream levels are there really?
There are a multitude of levels of meaning in each dream and each scene builds and adds more detail and meaning to the previous scene. But for simplicity’s sake, a three-world dream model helps us understand the three dimensions of the dreamscape.

The Lower World represents the “collective unconscious”, the legacy of imprinted symbols and archetypes that drive our consciousness and personalities.

The Middle World represents the “personal unconscious”. This level is driven by the ego and the multifaceted personality of the dreamer. Dreams from this level work out our daily problems and reveal our underlying attitudes, beliefs and feelings. They also reveal a great deal about our interpersonal relationships.

The third dream level is the Upper World. This level houses the supraconscious, the angelic higher intelligence of our oversoul. Our oversoul experiences angels, the light, God, and dimensions of a psychic nature that result in clairvoyant and precognitive dreams. When we have integrated these three worlds we are more able to overcome the conflicts plaguing us and creatively dream solutions.

Can the creative dreaming process really resolve an emotional conflict? In Inception, Cobb was plagued by the Shadow, his wife, Mal who was angry about her death. She represented Cobb’s guilt and anguish and the archetype of the Queen. This issue was an emotional and archetypal conflict plaguing Cobb’s dreaming life. The process of creative dreaming doesn’t necessarily resolve deep conflicts as it seems to have in Cobb’s dream. Instead, dreams reconcile a conflict meaning they create another view or perspective of the situation or a happily-ever-after scenario fulfilling the wish of the dreamer. Dreaming of being in a full embrace with an ex-boyfriend may seem like you have let bygones be bygones, but the truth is that only through forgiveness can you really let go and heal the past.

I had the thought after seeing Inception that dreamers might become more afraid of their dreams after viewing the movie. I hope that isn’t the case because dreams bring meaning to our lives and evolution to our souls.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Poetry of Love

Valentine’s Day Newsletter—February 2010

It has been a while since my last newsletter and it’s because I have been busy working on another book and writing articles like those that I have included links to in this newsletter. But I couldn’t resist putting this newsletter together in celebration of Valentine’s Day—the day made for divine complements.

Hope your Valentine’s Day is filled with romantic moments, friendship and love,

God bless you,



The Poetry of Love

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so is poetry. There is nothing like poetry to inspire a romantic especially around Valentine’s Day. And as we all search for the right Valentine’s Day card to express what is in our hearts we are reminded of the power of words to turn us towards our hearts and to open the hearts of others.

The nature of love is always best described in poetry. For example, take this bit of mystical wisdom about love from the 13th century poet and mystic, Rumi:

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.”

Each word holds a secret power, a transcendent power that lifts us above the gravity of life and mental anguish of the mind. It ushers us into the terrain of a heightened consciousness.

The prepositions “to fly”— “to fall”—“to let go”—“to take a step”

The descriptive nouns: “secret sky”—“hundred veils”—“each moment”—“life”—“without feet” Each holds a secret power that when strung together forms something beautiful, something that awakens us and deposits us into the consciousness of the mystic. And for a moment we are there through the power of just a few words. And if we are ready the words can transform us and if we remember them we are changed.

So there is every reason to spend a bit of time at the greeting card aisle choosing that right card that says it all through poetry.

No, not poetry but full of musings on the subject of soulmates:


Can You Meet Your True Soulmate Online

A real success story came from a middle-aged woman who said that she tried online dating at the urgings of her mother. As a flight attendant, she considered her life satisfying and had resigned to "soulmatelessness". Shortly after her mother died, she created a profile on an online dating site. She received three match possibilities and initiated emails to begin to narrow down the already narrow field. Nothing! Letting go to resignation, weeks later she finally received an email from a man whose responses sparked her heart. Come to find out, he was a customs agent at the very airport she flew out of week after week. She couldn't count the number of times she must have ignored his shining face. To the credit of an online dating service she finally met her divine complement, the very man who fate had repeatedly put on her path, but who she had regrettably ignored. Meant to be!

Read the entire article:


Dream Precepts: Unraveling the Meaning of Your Dreams

There are several purposes to the dreaming process. First of all, dreams creatively problem solve. Secondly, they unleash hidden emotions, help to resolve emotional conflicts, and reconcile losses. And thirdly, they offer us a glimpse at the nature of the soul, our universe and the more invisible psychic and heavenly realms.

Read the entire article:

Have a dream that needs interpreting?

Need Psychic Advice, Healing and Guidance?

As always, I am available for 1 hour phone sessions.

Just contact me to set up an appointment: