Soulmate and dream expert Ariadne Green offers insights, thoughts, and inspiration.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Guiding Signs for Soulmates--Newsletter
Dear friends and readers,
First of all welcome new subscribers. Because Halloween is just around the corner I thought I would start with a cat story.
My cat, Dakota, is my spiritual guide and guru. I swear she is possessed by the spirit of my deceased mother or perhaps by an angel on high who is using her as a conduit to enlighten me. She gives me little messages to point me towards something I need to pay attention to or runs around like a bat out of hell when something weird is in the air. It is uncanny how many times she jumps up onto my office chair when there is an important email to read or when it’s time to go to work on my latest project. She brings me meaningful gifts too: a Hershey’s wrapper when I need nurturing, a fallen leaf to say “let go” or her ball to say, “lighten up”, reminding me there is always time for play. Cats are the most psychic animals on the planet. They forewarn us of earthquakes, storms or energetic disturbances in the air and they can read us like a book. How to speak their language? That’s a good question.
We all need guidance daily to answer those pressing questions we have. So I thought this newsletter would focus on the role of spiritual guidance in our lives.
Hope you enjoy it!
Also remember I am available for clairvoyant readings and channeled guidance and healing sessions by phone appt.
(707) 642-0426 to schedule an appt.
God bless you,
Astro Forecast—Sun in Libra—Balance and Partnerships
There’s a shift coming with the new Moon on the 18th, a building up phase of a new cycle of creativity. With a special trine, Mercury and Venus in Libra to Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius, it’s a perfect time to communicate your love to your partner and reconcile any previous spats you had. Also, it’s a great time to form business partnerships that improve your economic conditions and those in your community. Mercury rules commerce therefore now is the time to put some energy into your online business and work creatively by linking up in partnerships.
With the Sun moving through the Jupiter and Neptune trine there is lots of added energy to expand your vision and to work diligently with like-minded individuals to collectively create a better world.
Following the Daily Signs
Everyday can be meaningful and magical when we notice the signs and spiritual messages around us. This morning, I was greeted by two crows perched on the telephone wire. They remarked that my guide and I form an important partnership. He was reminding me I had two important phone calls to make and I immediately remembered when I saw the crows.
Noticing the synchronistic signs is one thing, but I am often asked how to decipher their meaning?
Start by recording the message or symbolic clue in a notebook that you carry around with you. Then meditate on the intended message. When you contemplate a symbol in meditation long enough, the meaning and intended message will become clearer.
Guiding Dreams
Without a question dreams help us creatively solve problems. Sometimes it is our own higher consciousness and intelligence at work, finding the solution to something we struggled with the day before. But often a dream offers direct guidance from our angels and spiritual guides who commune with us while we sleep at night.
The other morning I woke up to a piano melody playing in my ear. I was dreaming music. It was beautiful and uplifting. The day before I was searching online for the perfect background music for a YouTube video project I am working diligently on. The title: The Legacy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. I went to bed frustrated in not being able decide what music was most suitable. The melody in my dream was a piano solo I had listened to the day before and my guide Mary Magdalene played it in my ear while I dreamed to remark it was the best choice.
Have a question for your guides? Write your question on a slip of paper and put it under your pillow at night. Make sure your dream journal is next to you so that you can record your dream when you wake up. The answer will be there.
Need a dream interpretation? Submit your dream for free insights:
Who Knew? Would you recognize your soulmate if you met them on the street?
With soulmates. It isn’t always obvious. Sure there might be that spark between you—a chemistry-- and a familiarity beyond the ordinary encounter, but what if you’re wrong and your true divine complement is someone else you know? Love is sometimes blind and it is important not to fall in love with the projection of your desires and turn away from someone who is meant for you. Some guidance can help.
Three otherworldly ways to know for sure:
Repetitive synchronistic signs—There will usually be lots of symbolic signs in your waking life that point to a soulmate connection. Your Social Security or phone numbers are almost the same, billboards shout out their name, seeing twins everywhere and things coming in pairs are some possibilities of the kinds of signs that erupt in the field of your waking dream. Pay attention to the signs!
Repetitive Dreams- Reoccurring dreams in which your love interest plays the starring role can remark on a profound soul bond and soulmate connection. The key is in the word repetitive. Guides have also been known to shout out a soulmate’s name in a dream or let you know in some other way that makes it obvious.
They Know For Sure and Tell You So-
Your partner may hold the destiny card. They may have the spiritual certainty you lack and will remind you of your divine connection with them. Maybe they have had confirming dreams and signs or they are spiritually more in tune with the spiritual signature at your hearts that bond you in an eternal bond.
Here is an interesting story on the topic:
And to read about my book, Divine Complement visit:
If you wish you be excluded from my list email me at:
Friday, September 11, 2009
Ariadne's Newsletter 999
Hi friends, dreamers and readers,
It’s 9-9-9 and I woke up to 9 crows cawing from the lawn across the street. An hour later at the bank a man in front of me was wearing a tee shirt with the number 9 on the back. What’s up with 9, I thought to myself? Is this an auspicious day with a miracle brewing, a sign of something around the corner just about to come into view? Perhaps an ominous prophesy about the end of times. Good news, bad news or what, I am sure it will unfold?
To think of it, the number 9 holds a mystery. There’s “Love Potion Number Nine” for you soulmates who want a magical elixir to enhance their love life; “Cloud 9” to dream on the topic of love; and who can forget the Beatle’s longest recorded song (if you can call it a song), “Revolution: Number 9” from the White album.
Turn 9 upside down and it’s a 6 and put 6 and 9 side-by-side and you have: 69=Yin and Yang. Add up 999 and you come up with 27 which when you add the 2 and the 7 you, of course, you end up with the number 9 again.
However you stack it, shift it or live it, today is the day for the number 9. I have included symbolic meaning of the number 9 in this newsletter for you to ponder on.
Numerology and the Number 9
Is Your Soulmate Possessed By An Archetype?
Forbidden Love
Saying 9 from the Gospel of Thomas
New Article
Numerology and the Number 9
The number 9, in classic numerology, represents the number of completion, whether it is a cycle of life, a year, a lifetime, or a milestone of psychological growth. Before we can begin anew to make positive changes in our life, we must traverse over the same old territory to examine its underpinnings so that we can revisit our mistakes and clear them. The number 9 turns our attention towards finishing or completing old negative habits, patterns and karma that we may have with others as well as completing projects. Nine can represent a symbolic death before a rebirth in consciousness or the end of the road before we forge a new path for ourselves. Nine is also the number associated with change, a revolution of sorts before can come back to the number 1, our greater purpose and connection with the source—the One.
Is Your Soulmate Possessed By An Archetype?
If you are a woman and you are wondering why your man is having difficulty committing, it may be that he is possessed by an archetype. Archetypes dwell within us all influencing our personalities and attitudes about relationship. Whether the Fool, the Queen or the Emperor, the negative aspects of these three archetypes can override a man's desire to be in an intimate relationship and impose attitudes that culminate in destructive and relationship-sabotaging behaviors.
Archetypes represent innate tendencies embedded in the subconscious that emerge in the personality as attitudes. We can view the imprint of an archetype and its effects on the personality in the same way we view encoded genetic information in the DNA. They make us who we are. In the case of archetypes however, one can rise above their influence by bringing them into conscious awareness and battling each negative attitude with higher virtues.
Read more…
Also visit to read about my book, Divine Complement
Forbidden Love
When you fall deeply in love with someone you want to share the joy, love and excitement you feel with those closest to you – your family. Naturally, you will want your parents to embrace your love interest whole-heartedly and to see them through the lens of their hearts, holding him or her in as high of esteem as you do. But, what if your prince or princess looks like a toad to them and they can't seem to warm up to the idea of the two of you together? Instead of celebrating your love, they air their disapproval and the love between you becomes a forbidden love.
Read this article on Keen:
Saying 9 from the Gospel of Thomas
9. Jesus said, "Look, the sower went out, took a handful (of seeds), and scattered (them). Some fell on the road, and the birds came and gathered them. Others fell on rock, and they didn't take root in the soil and didn't produce heads of grain. Others fell on thorns, and they choked the seeds and worms ate them. And others fell on good soil, and it produced a good crop: it yielded sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure.
What is interesting about the seed sower parable is that the yielding of 60 plus 120 = 180 reduces in numerology to the number 9. Was Jesus into numerology?
New Article on Dreams of Michael Jackson
New Age Journal online just published my second article on the topic of Michael Jackson Dreams. The topic has been a fascinating one for me to research and to discover why so many fans had reported dreams about Michael Jackson since his death. Hope you will take a moment to read it and comment.
Have a Soulmate Question? A Dream that needs interpretation? Or some pressing questions for which you would like clear answers?
As always, I am available for healing sessions and readings on the phone. You can contact me:
Visit my websites:
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Ariadne's Newsletter August 2009
Dear friends, dreamers and soulmate readers,
My garden is being harvested, lots of ripe tomatoes, squash, green peppers and string beans. I had to laugh at a friend of mine who said she harvested her first $68 tomato. It was her first garden and she barred no expense in getting all the right ingredients, plant food and soil, to stimulate its growth. I, on the other hand, relied on 2 neighbors for tilling and compost and got my plants from the church. It only cost me a grateful handshake. I have already picked 70 tomatoes and am stewing some as I write. The lesson? Love Thy Neighbor.
I have put up a needed facelift on my website and added new content for you browse through. I think that you will find it a bit more organized and easy to navigate through. There’s lots of content for all of you questing for your soulmate and those whose relationships are just beginning.
God bless you,
Ariadne Green
Ariadne's Newsletter-- August 15th, 2009
Astro Forecast
The Sun is in Leo, the sign of the Lion Hearted. Self-love, pride and self-expression are the attributes of this Sun sign and later in the month when the new moon is also in Leo these attributes will be amplified. The new moon will urge you to begin a new pampering routine. Get your bubble bath out.
Mars will square Uranus on the 16th through the 18th adding gasoline to the fires in your household. If you don’t keep a cool head and an open heart things could explode. Don’t let petty arguments build into a big fight and jeopardize your friendships or love mate relationship. The California fires can be seen as a metaphor and are a reminder that in a drought (neglect) fires (anger) erupt more easily.
In addition, we have the Sun opposing Neptune and sextile Mars on August 16 and 17. Be aware of how your ego or lack of self-esteem (Leo Sun) can sabotage your intuitive and creative urges (Neptune). You may find yourself hesitating because of a self-indulgent attitude instead of using the creative opportunities in front of you to fulfill your life.
Also Mercury conjunct Saturn, Venus sextile Saturn on August 17 and 18, encourages you to communicate about economic issues. Remember money matters.
Thomas The Train Psychology--I Think I Can
A friend of mine longed to return to her island home, but the financial picture on the islands didn’t look very inviting. She knew she would have to secure a job once she landed and called me for a reading, advice and support. I told her it made more sense in her case to land the job before she left. The “buts” of doubts escalated as we discussed her dilemma and her fears. With the failing economy and when so many islanders were unemployed, she believed no one would consider hiring her. After all, she wasn’t living on the island and without a face to face interview it seemed next to impossible. I told her that from a spiritual perspective her thinking didn’t hold water. The flow of creativity from Great Spirit would steer the way and her heart would manifest her desired outcome. By applying a bit of “Thomas The Train psychology”—I think I can…I think I can…Yes, I Can, she landed a job, a couple of choices of places to live and a discount car to drive around in.
What Earns Soulmates A Second Chance.
The dawning realization that your soulmate was someone from your past can leave you wondering if your paths will ever cross again. For some lucky soulmates the door swings open for a second chance if the time is right and if each has made some changes for the better.
What is it that earns soulmates a second chance at fulfilling their promises to each other?
1. Soul searching and maturational strides. Life will be full of experiences that push you and your soulmate to do the inner work necessary and shed the patterns that stood in the way. If your attitudes change for the better and both of you are ready the stars will align and the door will magically open for a second chance.
2. The power of forgiveness. There is nothing like true forgiveness to set your hearts free to love again. By forgiving yourself for your mistakes, ones that may have caused the rift, you clear not only your conscience, but the pathway of your heart. With your heart cleansed of regrets, a powerful love note will be sent to your soulmate.
3. Holding them in your heart and in your prayers. The act of keeping someone in your thoughts and prayers will not only influence their life positively, but it will improve you spiritually. Not that you want to force them to love you by holding a prayer vigil or summoning the power of the universe to bring them back to your door. It’s will be enough to mention them in your prayers and to meditate in your heart visualizing them there inside.
4. Being Ready and Able. Reuniting with your soulmate after a long period of disconnect may not be easy. You may have to brave it and make a concerted effort to reconnect.
To read the entire article, go to:
There is also a beautiful chapter on the topic in my book, Divine Complement.
Unearthing the Goddess Within Using Yours Dreams.
I heard a dream last week from a dreamer who needed to summon up her more feminine qualities, ones buried because of past-life wounds and feeling degraded as a woman.
In the dream, she heard a rumbling or gurgling in the earth and witnessed the beautiful archetype of her own feminine emerging as an earth goddess. Rather than embracing her she fled pursuing a masculine throne.
Many women who believe feminine qualities won’t get them what they want from world emasculate themselves choosing a briefcase and a tailored suit to earn respect in the workplace. A woman may not realize the damage she is doing to her feminine psyche or how truly unhappy she is until a dream like the one above makes the point clear. A woman doesn’t need to make herself into a man to earn respect and succeed. She needs to retrieve her worth as a woman and embrace the Goddess within.
Have a dream that needs interpretation? Submit one for free.
Need advice? As always I am available for healings and psychic readings over the phone. Call to set up an appointment.
(707) 642-0426
Monday, July 6, 2009
Ariadne's Newletter Blog
Dear Friends, dreamer and readers,
I am grateful for the little things this week, like a foot-long squash from my garden and the ladybugs that keep other pests under control. Things like my daughter getting a job after a long period of unemployment. Not that it pays well, but it will do wonders for her self-esteem. Little achievements may seem like no improvement at all if we are only focused on manifesting our greatest desires. It may seem like we are settling for less when in truth we may need to be humbled a bit with limitations. What we don’t always realize is that limitations improve us spiritually. They teach us to value what we do have and not to focus so much on what we haven’t been able to achieve. Not everyone is meant to be a super star, but everyone is meant to shine. Each little contribution we make to our world creates ripples of energy that create bigger ripples in the pool of the collective.
May your little accomplishments be considered grand achievements this month.
Astro News--Lunar Eclipse July 7th
The lunar eclipse on July 7th will surely magnify the dynamic tension between the Capricorn and Cancer polarities, Father and Mother, two signs with opposing views. The full moon in Capricorn, the sign of patriarchal values will be eclipsed by the Sun in Cancer forcing us to focus on the Cancerian condition. What might we expect? We might expect an illumination of the shadow that has diminished the worth Cancerian qualities, values such as compassion, motherhood, and nurturing. Cancer, the sign of Demeter the maternal goddess, as the giver of the bounty of life is sometimes taken for granted if not out right ridiculed. Take for instance, Sarah Palin’s resignation as governor of Alaska as a good example. We are liable to hear more of the details behind her untimely decision to leave her post as Governor, virtually ending her political career. “No it won’t be politics as usual”, says Sarah to the Capricorn administration. And let’s not forget Michael Jackson will be buried on this Lunar Eclipse, signifying a heart-wrenching end to a musical icon and humanitarian whose lyrics included, “We are the world, we are the children”, a tribute to children everywhere. His Cancerian qualities were something he was persecuted for and in the end his compassionate heart failed.
To use the energies of this eclipse for the benefit of all, I suggest you start the day honoring those who give so much of their hearts to you, who show you compassion and who give unselfishly.
Is it A Romantic Fling or the Real Thing?
How does a woman recognize her tendencies to create a soulmate out of thin air?
Here are a few common mistakes women make.
Equates sexual magnetism and physical attraction with spiritual chemistry.
A smile from across the room from a potential Mr. Right, for some women can produce a hormonal rush. And she’ll likely attribute it to the divine power of a spiritual connection if it develops into a full-fledged romance. But is she right? Not necessarily. True spiritual chemistry, the kind experienced by soulmates, is something far more powerful. Complementary harmonies that match and blend produce a familiar tune in each of their hearts. A divine spark is lit and the power between them becomes easy to recognize. The connection with her soulmate will heighten a woman’s consciousness and intelligence rather than reducing it to instinctual drives and mindlessness.
Pick up lines immortalized as love sonnets. What woman wouldn’t want to be told she was as beautiful as Madonna, the brightest star in the sky, as wise as the ages and so on. Seemingly sincere words uttered in the heat of a passionate moment are only words if not attached to a committed heart. A woman is apt to make herself lovesick if she memorizes the words, reciting them over and over again in her head as if they possess some divine power to heal all feminine wounds. She will tell herself only a soulmate could see her in such a divine light, even if her love interest is a Casanova.
Considers a man who looks like her romantic ideal her soulmate
Masculine characteristics and physical features that make the heart flutter may merely be the result of conditioning to physical ideals and stereotypes of manliness. A woman may also hold up male qualities such as stability, rational intelligence, fatherliness or even machoness and insist on them as her standard for a soulmate. If so, she has constructed her own archetype of a soulmate and will fall in love with the man who seems to project her ideal. Because he’s everything she asked for, in her mind he’s “the one”. Her personal tastes, however, may have thrown her way way off base. Her true soulmate may be an altogether different breed—an opposite who complements her own qualities rather everything she wants in a man.
To discover if your love relationship is the Real Thing get a copy of my book, Divine Complement: The Spiritual Terrain of Soulmate Relationships.
Dreams Reveal Our True Value.
I was told a dream recently in which the dreamer dreamt he was being chased by Orcas, killer whales. When he stopped to face them, one Orca stopped just short of him and handed him a gift. To his surprise, inside the package were radiant jewels. The orcas in the dreamer’s dreamer, were his spiritual animal allies, acting as messengers from the vast ocean of the subconscious. They signified a higher consciousness able to navigate waves of consciousness. The gift of the jewels was meant to help this young man realize his worth as a radiant angel on earth. Each jewel would bring him greater understanding of his spiritual worth.
Have a dream that you need a bit of insight into? Visit and submit a dream for a free interpretation.
Looking for great activity for your kids this the summer. Why not create a totem pole of their animal allies.
Thank you Beyond Bedding for your Sponsorship of
Quote of the Month
An idealist is one who, on noticing that roses smell better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.
H. L. Mencken
Have you seen my video The Secret In Mary Magdalene’s Rose?
As always I am available for readings to answer your most pressing questions and spiritual healings to heal your soul. If you would like to set up a phone session, email me at
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Symbolism in Mary Magdalene's Rose
Have you seen the video--The Secret in Mary Magdalene's Rose? If not here is the link
I thought it due time to give a bit more of an interpretation to the symbolism within the rose. And with Easter being this Sunday it is a perfect time to add a bit more to the resurrection story. This excerpt is taken from my book, Divine Complement:
"The imagery within the twincentered rose encapsulates a story of spiritual evolution between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, as sacred bride and bridegroom. Jesus is depicted beneath what appear to be palm branches, symbolic of Jesus’ personal glory, righteousness and victory. Palm leaves were used in several celebrations, one of which is the Feast of the Tabernacle to the glory and triumph of the Israelites. We know that upon entering Jerusalem on Nisan 10, the day for the selection of the Pascal lamb to be sacrificed for the Passover supper and days before the Crucifixion and Resurrection, crowds waved palm branches as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowds waving palm leaves celebrated him as the true King of Israel. Some authors, such as Lawrence Gardner, suggest that Jesus deliberately made his entry into Jerusalem on that day to enact the prophecy of Isaiah 53, which would have solidified his claim to the Davidic legacy. It is logical to interpret the pose beneath palm branches in the left bud as a snapshot of Christ’s glorified state just before the Resurrection.
Did Jesus, in seeking recognition as the true King of Israel, turn away from his beloved Mary for a time?
The imagery conveys that while Mary was turned toward her beloved, Jesus had turned away from her, perhaps in favor of his personal quest for self-realization and the fulfillment of his individual destiny as the Son of Man. Perhaps he lacked appreciation of Mary’s worth to his spiritual unity with God and it wasn’t until his transfiguration that he realized her divine connection to him through an initiation in the bridal chamber of his Stellar Heart. The imagery of the spirit form of Christ, emerging from the bud and standing in front of his beloved, remarks on this spiritual transformation that turned him toward his twin complement again in recognition and in love. He appears to be ready to reveal his heart to her and embrace her as his sacred bride. The imagery almost reminds us of the resurrection scene that occurred when Mary arrived at the tomb after the Crucifixion to anoint the body of Jesus. He appeared to her in the sepulcher on Easter morning as an angel, and it wasn’t until moments later that he identified himself to her as Jesus.
Looking closely at the right bud, we see that Mary is adorned in head veil and is seated in repose. She humbly faces her beloved as if expecting him to rise to the power of love. The image certainly denotes her divinity in connection to Jesus. Looking closely, we notice that she is embraced by another figure whose arms appear to cradle her. These arms seem to emerge from a larger-than-life feminine deity situated behind Mary in the outer folds of the right bud. This figure might very well represent the feminine aspect of God, the Holy Spirit, supporting Mary’s spiritual evolution and healing her from the shame of separation to resurrect her soul to its divinity.
The unfolding story in the photo represents a remarkable spiritual revelation, pointing to the divinity of the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. As a focal point in the right bud of the rose, Mary reconciles the split between god and goddess, inspiring us to venerate her and bring her out of the shadows of obscurity and perceived irrelevance to Jesus’ life. It cannot be denied that what was captured by the camera was meant to be regarded as a divine communication, understood for its intrinsic truth and preserved for its spiritual value in helping us to appreciate the divine union between Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ after centuries of misconception."
Have a Happy Easter,
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Astrology of Valentine's Day
Remember the song
The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius?
And the lyric:
When the Moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars.
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.
I was about 20 years old when free love hippie movement sent us all orbiting into drug induced bliss.
Things have changed, but the feeling of love hasn't.
I thought I point out that soulmates are being guided through a
powerful star and planetary alignment giving them a supreme opportunity to transform their love relationships.
Just like the song, it just so happens the the Moon in Libra will be in the Seventh House of love relationships and partnerships on Valentine's day. And Jupiter will be aligning with Mars in the 12th house of the subconscious. Jupiter expands our creative potentials and Mars moves them forward through action.
Is this Dawning of a New Age?
Well, it is definitely heralding a shift in priorities to help us to put our relationships first.
The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius?
And the lyric:
When the Moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars.
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.
I was about 20 years old when free love hippie movement sent us all orbiting into drug induced bliss.
Things have changed, but the feeling of love hasn't.
I thought I point out that soulmates are being guided through a
powerful star and planetary alignment giving them a supreme opportunity to transform their love relationships.
Just like the song, it just so happens the the Moon in Libra will be in the Seventh House of love relationships and partnerships on Valentine's day. And Jupiter will be aligning with Mars in the 12th house of the subconscious. Jupiter expands our creative potentials and Mars moves them forward through action.
Is this Dawning of a New Age?
Well, it is definitely heralding a shift in priorities to help us to put our relationships first.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
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