Soulmate and dream expert Ariadne Green offers insights, thoughts, and inspiration.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Ariadne's Newsletter August 2009
Dear friends, dreamers and soulmate readers,
My garden is being harvested, lots of ripe tomatoes, squash, green peppers and string beans. I had to laugh at a friend of mine who said she harvested her first $68 tomato. It was her first garden and she barred no expense in getting all the right ingredients, plant food and soil, to stimulate its growth. I, on the other hand, relied on 2 neighbors for tilling and compost and got my plants from the church. It only cost me a grateful handshake. I have already picked 70 tomatoes and am stewing some as I write. The lesson? Love Thy Neighbor.
I have put up a needed facelift on my website and added new content for you browse through. I think that you will find it a bit more organized and easy to navigate through. There’s lots of content for all of you questing for your soulmate and those whose relationships are just beginning.
God bless you,
Ariadne Green
Ariadne's Newsletter-- August 15th, 2009
Astro Forecast
The Sun is in Leo, the sign of the Lion Hearted. Self-love, pride and self-expression are the attributes of this Sun sign and later in the month when the new moon is also in Leo these attributes will be amplified. The new moon will urge you to begin a new pampering routine. Get your bubble bath out.
Mars will square Uranus on the 16th through the 18th adding gasoline to the fires in your household. If you don’t keep a cool head and an open heart things could explode. Don’t let petty arguments build into a big fight and jeopardize your friendships or love mate relationship. The California fires can be seen as a metaphor and are a reminder that in a drought (neglect) fires (anger) erupt more easily.
In addition, we have the Sun opposing Neptune and sextile Mars on August 16 and 17. Be aware of how your ego or lack of self-esteem (Leo Sun) can sabotage your intuitive and creative urges (Neptune). You may find yourself hesitating because of a self-indulgent attitude instead of using the creative opportunities in front of you to fulfill your life.
Also Mercury conjunct Saturn, Venus sextile Saturn on August 17 and 18, encourages you to communicate about economic issues. Remember money matters.
Thomas The Train Psychology--I Think I Can
A friend of mine longed to return to her island home, but the financial picture on the islands didn’t look very inviting. She knew she would have to secure a job once she landed and called me for a reading, advice and support. I told her it made more sense in her case to land the job before she left. The “buts” of doubts escalated as we discussed her dilemma and her fears. With the failing economy and when so many islanders were unemployed, she believed no one would consider hiring her. After all, she wasn’t living on the island and without a face to face interview it seemed next to impossible. I told her that from a spiritual perspective her thinking didn’t hold water. The flow of creativity from Great Spirit would steer the way and her heart would manifest her desired outcome. By applying a bit of “Thomas The Train psychology”—I think I can…I think I can…Yes, I Can, she landed a job, a couple of choices of places to live and a discount car to drive around in.
What Earns Soulmates A Second Chance.
The dawning realization that your soulmate was someone from your past can leave you wondering if your paths will ever cross again. For some lucky soulmates the door swings open for a second chance if the time is right and if each has made some changes for the better.
What is it that earns soulmates a second chance at fulfilling their promises to each other?
1. Soul searching and maturational strides. Life will be full of experiences that push you and your soulmate to do the inner work necessary and shed the patterns that stood in the way. If your attitudes change for the better and both of you are ready the stars will align and the door will magically open for a second chance.
2. The power of forgiveness. There is nothing like true forgiveness to set your hearts free to love again. By forgiving yourself for your mistakes, ones that may have caused the rift, you clear not only your conscience, but the pathway of your heart. With your heart cleansed of regrets, a powerful love note will be sent to your soulmate.
3. Holding them in your heart and in your prayers. The act of keeping someone in your thoughts and prayers will not only influence their life positively, but it will improve you spiritually. Not that you want to force them to love you by holding a prayer vigil or summoning the power of the universe to bring them back to your door. It’s will be enough to mention them in your prayers and to meditate in your heart visualizing them there inside.
4. Being Ready and Able. Reuniting with your soulmate after a long period of disconnect may not be easy. You may have to brave it and make a concerted effort to reconnect.
To read the entire article, go to:
There is also a beautiful chapter on the topic in my book, Divine Complement.
Unearthing the Goddess Within Using Yours Dreams.
I heard a dream last week from a dreamer who needed to summon up her more feminine qualities, ones buried because of past-life wounds and feeling degraded as a woman.
In the dream, she heard a rumbling or gurgling in the earth and witnessed the beautiful archetype of her own feminine emerging as an earth goddess. Rather than embracing her she fled pursuing a masculine throne.
Many women who believe feminine qualities won’t get them what they want from world emasculate themselves choosing a briefcase and a tailored suit to earn respect in the workplace. A woman may not realize the damage she is doing to her feminine psyche or how truly unhappy she is until a dream like the one above makes the point clear. A woman doesn’t need to make herself into a man to earn respect and succeed. She needs to retrieve her worth as a woman and embrace the Goddess within.
Have a dream that needs interpretation? Submit one for free.
Need advice? As always I am available for healings and psychic readings over the phone. Call to set up an appointment.
(707) 642-0426
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