Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear friends, students and readers,

Merry Christmas! Did you feel the shift from the lunar eclipse on the 21st with its full moon in Gemini? It was a positive one for me and for many people I talked to. I had every reason to celebrate that day because I had a knock on the door announcing the Humane Society had found our family dog, “Cuz Cuz “who was missing for a few days. Animals bring their gifts, joys and worries. The synchronicity surrounding the “lost dog event” is that the animal control officer’s name was “Daniel”, the prophet and interpreter of dreams from the bible.

With the New Year approaching our minds turn towards the future and it is a perfect time now to get a spiritual/psychic reading to hone in on what you would like to see come to fruition for 2011 and what fate is drawing into your life. As always, I am available for phone consults--healings and readings--on any pressing issue in your life, even how to get focused enough to write that book you keep putting on the back burner. I plan to have another book out in 2011. It is a big secret. To set up a consult/reading you can contact me at (707) 642-0426 or at:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Ariadne Green


Ariadne’s Newsletter December 2010

When Angels Walk On Earth

Have you ever been touched by an angel? I am not talking about a divine apparition descended from heaven or a being of light visiting you in a dream, but a real live breathing wingless angel on earth that you meet by extraordinary happenstance.

When A Little Anger is Good

We all hear a lot about letting go of anger, curbing our temper, and learning anger management techniques. On the spiritual path, sages and gurus remind us that everyone and everything is to be forgiven and that peace and tranquility is what we all need to strive for. Anger is deemed counterproductive, useless or even destructive to our spiritual well-being and happiness. It is considered a "negative emotion" that we should reject in others and deny in ourselves. With such advice, it is no wonder that most of us shrink with guilt after our feathers get ruffled and we speak out in anger at someone we love. But is a little bit of anger all that bad?

Psychic Dreams
There are three types of psychic dreams that are common to you clairvoyants: precognitive, telepathic, and clairvoyant dreams. Once we are awake, these dreams baffle us because we define ourselves as separate from others and see events through constructs of space and time. Learn how to determine what kind of psychic dream you are dreaming most often.

Dreams of a New Lover?
For some singles almost every waking minute is consumed with thoughts of romance. The perfect man or woman on your arm, someone to cuddle up to, plan a future with and chart a course towards happily-ever-after is the subject of the daydream imagination. For others the subject rarely crosses their mind except at night when dreams of romance creep in.
What are romantic dreams all about? Are they a forecast for a real romance on the horizon or is it just the subconscious teasing you with a dreamy possibility of a romantic interlude?

Hope Christmas Day brings you the ultimate gift! What that is is of your making.

God bless you,

Ariadne Green

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