Friday, October 16, 2009

Guiding Signs for Soulmates--Newsletter

Dear friends and readers,

First of all welcome new subscribers. Because Halloween is just around the corner I thought I would start with a cat story.

My cat, Dakota, is my spiritual guide and guru. I swear she is possessed by the spirit of my deceased mother or perhaps by an angel on high who is using her as a conduit to enlighten me. She gives me little messages to point me towards something I need to pay attention to or runs around like a bat out of hell when something weird is in the air. It is uncanny how many times she jumps up onto my office chair when there is an important email to read or when it’s time to go to work on my latest project. She brings me meaningful gifts too: a Hershey’s wrapper when I need nurturing, a fallen leaf to say “let go” or her ball to say, “lighten up”, reminding me there is always time for play. Cats are the most psychic animals on the planet. They forewarn us of earthquakes, storms or energetic disturbances in the air and they can read us like a book. How to speak their language? That’s a good question.

We all need guidance daily to answer those pressing questions we have. So I thought this newsletter would focus on the role of spiritual guidance in our lives.

Hope you enjoy it!

Also remember I am available for clairvoyant readings and channeled guidance and healing sessions by phone appt.

(707) 642-0426 to schedule an appt.

God bless you,










Astro Forecast—Sun in Libra—Balance and Partnerships

There’s a shift coming with the new Moon on the 18th, a building up phase of a new cycle of creativity. With a special trine, Mercury and Venus in Libra to Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius, it’s a perfect time to communicate your love to your partner and reconcile any previous spats you had. Also, it’s a great time to form business partnerships that improve your economic conditions and those in your community. Mercury rules commerce therefore now is the time to put some energy into your online business and work creatively by linking up in partnerships.

With the Sun moving through the Jupiter and Neptune trine there is lots of added energy to expand your vision and to work diligently with like-minded individuals to collectively create a better world.


Following the Daily Signs

Everyday can be meaningful and magical when we notice the signs and spiritual messages around us. This morning, I was greeted by two crows perched on the telephone wire. They remarked that my guide and I form an important partnership. He was reminding me I had two important phone calls to make and I immediately remembered when I saw the crows.

Noticing the synchronistic signs is one thing, but I am often asked how to decipher their meaning?

Start by recording the message or symbolic clue in a notebook that you carry around with you. Then meditate on the intended message. When you contemplate a symbol in meditation long enough, the meaning and intended message will become clearer.


Guiding Dreams

Without a question dreams help us creatively solve problems. Sometimes it is our own higher consciousness and intelligence at work, finding the solution to something we struggled with the day before. But often a dream offers direct guidance from our angels and spiritual guides who commune with us while we sleep at night.

The other morning I woke up to a piano melody playing in my ear. I was dreaming music. It was beautiful and uplifting. The day before I was searching online for the perfect background music for a YouTube video project I am working diligently on. The title: The Legacy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. I went to bed frustrated in not being able decide what music was most suitable. The melody in my dream was a piano solo I had listened to the day before and my guide Mary Magdalene played it in my ear while I dreamed to remark it was the best choice.

Have a question for your guides? Write your question on a slip of paper and put it under your pillow at night. Make sure your dream journal is next to you so that you can record your dream when you wake up. The answer will be there.

Need a dream interpretation? Submit your dream for free insights:


Who Knew? Would you recognize your soulmate if you met them on the street?

With soulmates. It isn’t always obvious. Sure there might be that spark between you—a chemistry-- and a familiarity beyond the ordinary encounter, but what if you’re wrong and your true divine complement is someone else you know? Love is sometimes blind and it is important not to fall in love with the projection of your desires and turn away from someone who is meant for you. Some guidance can help.

Three otherworldly ways to know for sure:

Repetitive synchronistic signs—There will usually be lots of symbolic signs in your waking life that point to a soulmate connection. Your Social Security or phone numbers are almost the same, billboards shout out their name, seeing twins everywhere and things coming in pairs are some possibilities of the kinds of signs that erupt in the field of your waking dream. Pay attention to the signs!

Repetitive Dreams- Reoccurring dreams in which your love interest plays the starring role can remark on a profound soul bond and soulmate connection. The key is in the word repetitive. Guides have also been known to shout out a soulmate’s name in a dream or let you know in some other way that makes it obvious.

They Know For Sure and Tell You So-

Your partner may hold the destiny card. They may have the spiritual certainty you lack and will remind you of your divine connection with them. Maybe they have had confirming dreams and signs or they are spiritually more in tune with the spiritual signature at your hearts that bond you in an eternal bond.

Here is an interesting story on the topic:

And to read about my book, Divine Complement visit:


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