Monday, October 1, 2007

Yes, Mary Magdalene Was Jesus' Soulmate

Welcome! For those directed here from my site, this blog is intended as a forum for you thoughts, interpretations, questions and "be-nice" comments to the "Astrology of Jesus and Mary Magdalene", a preview chapter of a forthcoming book. If you stumbled onto this blog from elsewhere on the Magdalene trail, I direct you to my site to download the pdf and read my astonishing discoveries--charts and interpretations included. No, you don't have to be an astrologer. It was written for everyone!

Robert Hand, the world renowned astrologer, commented when drawing up the charts, "The synchronicity of the two charts presenting such an equality of power and similar purpose is at the very least astonishing....they perfectly fit the more recent image (the emerging archetypes) that Jesus and Mary Magdalene are thought to have embodied."

Do you agree?
Bless you and look forward to your comments,
Ariadne Green


Prairyearth said...

Hello Ariadne,
I found your thoughts and the astrological charts intriguing. Even if one was to exclude or disregard the astrological info, I strongly believe that MM and Jesus were soul mates.

However, the astro charts compliment these two peoples destiny, or at least the personalities I have intuited that they were born with and grew to be.

I also believe the other disciples astrological gates combined and interacting with these soul-mates had profound significance at that time.


Ariadne Green said...

Yes, they complement nicely. They were very powerful spritually, with Jesus' Neptune on the Mid-heaven and Mary's culminating--very powerful duo. And Jesus having been born on the Vernal Equinox would have been seen as a sign of his divinity.
bless you,

Rich Fitzgerald said...

You know, I have heard rumblings of this Jesus and MM coupling but never really looked much into it. If nothing else, it would be an interesting read, but depending on the content I'm not sure how far I could make it.

Chaile Divine said...

Hi Ariadne,

Jesus and Mary are soul mates. More about the divine truth can be found at